There is currently a chance of a shower just before lunchtime tomorrow but otherwise the wind is light and the temperature reasonable. The Pink Route heads to Somerton, heading to Kilmington, Bruton, Ditcheat and Butleigh on the way out and Ilchester, Queen Camel and Wincanton on the way back. The Blue Route follows the Pink one as far as Parbrook where it heads south to Charlton Mackrell and rejoins the Pink Route at Queen Camel.

The White Route follows different roads to Parbrook and returns through Castle Cary, Galhampton and North Cadbury.

The rides all end at the Old Brewery Cafe and Kitchen for coffee, cake, or brunch.

Meet at 9.00 am at the Wheels car park, Station Road, Gillingham. Please ensure you download your chosen route to your GPS device, and remember to bring your ride essentials, particularly sufficient liquid refreshement.

There is nothing to stop a group splitting into a ‘light’ and a ‘dark’ group, and a slower group can take on a longer route or a faster group ride a shorter route. All rides are no drop rides but please select a group suited to your ability!

Also, a reminder that if you haven’t paid your membership fees they are due now!

Pink Route: 95.4 kms, 819 m elevation – est speed 28 kmh+ / 17.5 mph +

Blue Route: 84.4 kms, 750 m elevation – est speed 24 kmh / 15 mph

White Route: 74.3 kms, 764 m elevation – est speed 20 kmh / 12 mph

For those who have issues downloading their routes, here’s the guide for a Garmin device and here’s the guide for a Wahoo device.