All good things come to an end and so it is we come to an end to our second year of the GDW Winter Challenge.

Winter can be a bit challenging exercising (do you see what I’m doing there?) and that is how this event was born as a means to stimulate activity. Some have found it more of a challenge than others. How can I cycle when I have a pair of skis on for the whole week? How can I swim when that’s not what I do? How can I run when my knees suggest that is a bad idea? There were some Wheelers who found creative ways to challenge themselves.

7 ever-presents with 15 choosing their attempts across the weeks.

We are a bike club with a triathlon arm. The bike weeks were the most popular. However, there are clearly some swift (and improving) runners in the group. This is a good introduction to multi-sport and hopefully dipping toes into duathlon and/or triathlon might be on the horizon for some.

Melanie Birch was the only ever-present in the female group. It looks like the event has worked for her – there was improvement in all 3 activities in the final week.

The only other person who has shown improvement across the board in the final week (including an 18 minute 5k run and 57min outdoor 40k bike) was ….. Michael Sleeman who has had an iron-grip on the overall lead since week 6. He is made for Sprint (draft legal) Duathlon.

The Open podium is completed by our best runner, Rich White, and then a battle of the best swimmers, Vince Hounsome just beating Chris Giles.

Hopefully you’ve all arrived in the Spring a little fitter than you would have been.

Full results can be found here (from row 55)

Let’s all do it again next year?