As the Aussies would say, Saturday looks like a day to slip, slap, slop as the good weather continues! It looks like perfect cycling weather so hopefully we will see a great turnout. The three routes will all head east through Tisbury and on to Dinton where the White route makes a turn south and over the Fovant Down climb, and back along the beautifulChalke valley. The Blues and Pinks continue to Wilton. The Blues return via part of the Chalke valley and Sixpenny Handley, whist the Pinks go onto Rockbourne, Damerham and Cranborne.
Meet at 9.00 am at the Wheels car park, Station Road, Gillingham. Please ensure you download your chosen route to your GPS device, and remember to bring your ride essentials, particularly sufficient liquid refreshement.
The Blue Group often split into a ‘light’ and a ‘dark’ blue group, and there is nothing stopping other groups doing the same, or for a slower group to do a longer route or a faster group to do a shorter route. All rides are no drop rides but please select a group suited to your ability!
Pink Route: 97.6 kms, 1,104m elevation – est speed 28 kmh+ / 17.5 mph +
Blue Route: 84.6 kms, 980 m elevation – est speed 24 kmh / 15 mph
White Route: 62.1 kms, 733 m elevation – est speed 20 kmh / 12 mph
For those who have issues downloading their routes, here’s the guide for a Garmin device and here’s the guide for a Wahoo device.